
Caz And The Gem Mini Cricket

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"David, I've been tied up for quite a long time now, I really have," said Caz.  She was quite well bound, too.  Rope soft to the skin yet unyielding to her struggles kept her immobilized in an efficient hogtie as she lay on her side on the sofa.  Her elbows were held behind her back by ropes that ran between them, although the elbows were still a safe distance apart from one another so that she felt no discomfort.  Her wrists were bound back to back.  Rope circled her legs above and below her knees, and around her ankles.  A connecting rope ran from her wrists to her ankles, keeping her legs bent as she struggled futilely on the soft cushions, for the more she pulled the tighter the knots became.  "I think it's time for you to let me go now," she announced.

"Oh, no, you've hardly been tied up any time at all," decided David, pretending he was reading his newspaper, but actually watching Caz.  "You need to learn how to escape on your own, in case I'm not around when you get into another jam."

"You'll always be around to untie me," stated Caz, settling the matter, although David made no move to get up to assist her, instead flicking the page of the newspaper.

"Hmm, there's a rather longish article about how the Gem Mini Cricket is going to be displayed at the Museum of Natural History," he observed.  "Museum Curator Wilberforce Deluge is all excited that it's stopping there during its world tour."

"If you don't let me go, I shall scream!" Caz informed him.

"No you won't," David replied.

"I really will!"

"No, you won't, because you know that if you do the neighbors will call the cops and you don't want them here asking a lot of awkward questions and nosing about."

That was the truth, a subdued Caz reflected as she settled down a bit, methodically feeling her restraints to see if there was any wiggle room she had overlooked.  She definitely did not want the police about, for secretly she was the notorious Cat Burglar Caz.

"You know, David, you were pretty careless on our last mission," she told him.  "You almost let that security camera get your photograph.  You need to be more careful, or the police will learn what you look like."

"They'll never catch The Irrepressible Rogue!" he announced confidently.

Caz rolled her eyes.  "What does the paper say about that Gem Mini Cricket?"

"There's mostly talk from Wilberforce Deluge about the jade statuette.  He made a long speech and the paper seems to have printed a lot of it," mused David.  "Must be a slow news day, I guess.  Hmm, now this is interesting."

"What's that?" asked Caz.

"They're talking about the security for it, now," announced David.  "It seems they're hiring two separate consultants to guard it during its short exhibit here in England.  The curator states that with such excellent protection that there is no danger whatsoever of it being stolen from his museum!"

"He's overconfident," observed Caz, looking sharply at her American boyfriend.  "That's going to be his downfall.  Speaking of overconfidence and downfalls, you really do need to be more careful, David.  You seem to think you can just waltz about when you go on a job, acting without a care, but those security cameras… eep!"  She cut off the rest of her sentence, for David had put down the newspaper and picked up a long, colorful scarf, which he started twirling absently in his hands, creating a knot in the center while looking at his British girlfriend meaningfully.

"Why is that bit of carved jade so valuable?" asked Caz quickly.

"Apparently it has a lot of historical significance," said David, picking up the paper again, much to Caz's relief.  "Wilberforce Deluge goes on quite a bit, about how crickets were considered signs of good luck in the East and even kept as pets.  He then talks about this statue being presented to some old Emperor way back when.  And it is quite renowned for its aesthetic beauty as well."

"What does it look like?" asked Caz.

"It looks like a cricket, I guess," said David, holding the newspaper up so that Caz could see the color photograph of the valuable artifact.

"Oh, it's absolutely beautiful!" she exclaimed, giving a sigh of appreciation.  Caz truly did like pretty, small objects like that.  "It would look so nice on the fireplace mantel.  I just have to have it for our house!  David, let's steal it!"

"I am very pleased to stand before you tonight to discuss the museum's extraordinary procedures set up to protect the Gem Mini Cricket; very pleased indeed," announced Wilberforce Deluge.  He looked it, too, for this florid, balding individual was at his happiest with a row of microphones before him as photographers took his picture repeatedly and television cameras captured his every motion.  He smiled faintly, clearing his throat before continuing.

"First of all, I would like to introduce Jacques Moreau, an electronics genius from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, who has graciously agreed to use his expertise and equipment to protect the museum.  Mr. Moreau, if you would, please explain to the ladies and gentlemen of the press what your plans are?"

"Certainly, Monsieur."  A smattering of applause greeted the introduced guest as he strode up to the podium, the curator standing aside to make room for him.  He wore a royal blue three-piece suit, a light blue dress shirt, and a gold tie.  A trim beard and mustache covered his lower face.  "To express the matter briefly, I will surround the Gem Mini Cricket with a force field of my own invention that will cover it in an impenetrable hemisphere from the floor up."

He walked over to the Cricket, which sparkled vividly in the bright television lights.  He glanced in appreciation at the Cricket, and then suddenly turned his head, his slender fingers activating a small control panel nearby.  No one saw clearly what he did, but there was a soft hum as soft white light appeared suddenly to surround the Cricket and its display case.

"This force field is set on a timer and will remain active until the museum reopens in the morning.  No one can turn it off, not even myself.  The force field, you will observe, completely covers the top of the Cricket, so no intruder can scale down from above to reach it.  I have complete confidence in my force field, so much so, that I have agreed to spend the night in the museum, sleeping on a small cot I have brought with me.  In the morning, you are all invited to return, where you will see the Cricket still reposing in its display, for even should some individual enter the museum, no one will be able to penetrate the force field by any means whatsoever."

"Well, I'm sure that will cause all of us to sleep much easier," announced Wilberforce Deluge, returning to stand before the podium.  He ruffled several sheets of paper, for he had a long speech planned.  "However, just in case, I have invited someone else here tonight, for, as certain as I am that no one can cross your force field…"

"NONSENSE!" roared a loud voice.

"Who's that shouting, Monsieur?"

"That must be the other person I was talking about," explained Wilberforce Deluge hurriedly.  "May I introduce…"

"The Atomic Smasher!" announced the superhero, stepping forward proudly.  He wore his trademark unitard and cape, which flowed behind him, moved by the museum's air conditioning.  "If you would step to one side, citizens?  Thank you!"  He came to stand beside Wilberforce Deluge, glaring frostily at the force field and the security consultant.  "There is no need for you or your technological nonsense, Mr. Jacques Moreau, if, in fact, that is indeed your true name," he sneered.

"Indeed, Monsieur?  It seems to me that your presence is the one most unnecessary.  You are, of course, welcome to waste the night here, although perhaps you could have waited to change into your pajamas until after the crowd had left, eh?"

"These are not pajamas; these are the articles I wear proudly to indicate my status as a superhero!" the Atomic Smasher announced.  "And as for that force field of which you are so proud, allow me to show you something that I believe will cause everyone to reevaluate their trust in it."

There were gasps of astonishment as the Atomic Smasher walked forward, straight through the barrier.  He raised a gloved hand dramatically and tapped the glass case surrounding Cricket delicately, before stepping out once again.

"And what do you have to say now, Mr. Moreau?"

"Monsieur, you were only able to penetrate my shield because you possess superpowers; all you have proven by your little demonstration is that if there is any danger of the Cricket being stolen, it is by you, yourself!"

The curator wiped his forehead.  "I'm certain there is no danger of that happening, Jacques Moreau.  And now…"

"Oh, no, Monsieur?  I recall an incident where the notorious Cat Burglar Caz attempted to steal the Jungle Gem.  Instead of preventing her from stealing that jewel, this, this, this, costumed buffoon…"

"Sir!" interrupted the Atomic Smasher.  "I would suggest you choose your words with considerably more care when referring to my person.  If I did not possess such a strict moral code…"

"Strict moral code, Monsieur?  That code seemed completely absent during the episode of the Jungle Gem, eh?  If the Irrepressible Rogue had not appeared at the scene just then, striking you unconscious with a blow to the back of your head…"

"Attacking me from behind, like the cowardly cur that he is!" thundered the Atomic Smasher, gingerly rubbing his scalp.  "In my one weak spot!"

"…then you would have stolen it for yourself, eh?!"

"I would have come to my senses, eventually, and returned it," protested the Atomic Smasher feebly.

"The Atomic Smasher has more than atoned for that one lapse," interposed Wilberforce Deluge hastily.  "I have complete faith in him, and in you as well, Jacques Moreau.  Between the two of you, I feel certain that should this Caz person or anyone else make an appearance, that you will be able to put a stop to their plans!"

"The force field prevents anyone from approaching the Cricket from the sides or from above," mused Caz.  The cat burglar was dressed all in black, with a tight-fitting catsuit and a black mask.  She lay flat on her back, cutting away as silently as she could at the stone just inches above her head.  "However, it does not prevent anyone from approaching it from below!  Whew, but it is hot here in this cramped space between floors, though!"

Finally, she completed a small circle.  She raised both hands, pushing up on the stone flooring above her.  She poked her head up, looking anxiously about, for she had not been as quiet as she would have liked.  Fortunately, all appeared well.  She glanced through the force field to spy two cots, and two sleeping figures.  "Good so far," she said in relief.

She wriggled her way up to stand by the display housing the Gem Mini Cricket, a slender post topped with a glass display case.  The display case was locked, but that presented her with no difficulties.  "Mine at last!" she exclaimed softly, holding up the Cricket as it twinkled dully in the dim lighting.

"Halt, intruder, and cease your felonious activities!"

Caz spun around, but already the Atomic Smasher had raised his hands.  One of his superpowers was the ability to generate ropes spontaneously that he could control.  They raced out of his wrists toward Caz, who desperately attempted to duck back inside the hole in the floor.  The ropes passed through the force field and wrapped themselves around Caz in a matter of seconds, pulling her body in whatever direction was needed until the Atomic Smasher felt she was securely bound.

Caz was forced into a kneeling position with her hands behind her back.  The ropes bound her arms and legs together and against the post, so that her hands and feet were on the other side.

"I suppose you're going to call the cops now," she said bitterly.

"Yes, that would be the just course of action," he agreed, picking up the Gem Mini Cricket.  He rubbed it thoughtfully and sighed.  "No, no, back you go," he said finally, replacing it in the display case.  He lifted the circle of rock Caz had cut from the floor.  He placed it over the opening and then, concentrating his eyes, used his heat vision to melt the material so that it attached seamlessly back in place once again.

"I'm going to get out of mpfff!" exclaimed Caz.

The Atomic Smasher extracted two strips of cloth from his utility belt.  One he hastily folded and inserted into Caz's open mouth; the other he used to tie over her lower face, gagging her.

"I apologize for the necessity of gagging you, but it is imperative that I keep you quiet," said the Atomic Smasher.  "We have much to discuss…"

"Mpfff?" asked Caz.

"…and I don't wish that Canadian security expert awakening and…"

"What's going on?" demanded an irritable voice.

"Nothing that concerns you," answered the Atomic Smasher as the other guardian awoke and came over to the edge of the force field, wonder in his eyes.  He now wore green and purple striped pajamas and carried a baseball bat in his hands.  He rapped the bat against the force field where it bounced off without entering.

"Someone else found a way past your supposedly impenetrable shield," sneered the Atomic Smasher, not feeling the need to explain about the hole Caz had cut in the floor.


"You can see for yourself that she is here," replied the Atomic Smasher.  "Now, then, my good fellow, as you can see that I have the situation well in hand, why don't you run off?  I wish to have a few words in private with this lawbreaker."

"No, Monsieur, it best that I remain here, eh?"

"Oh, very well.  Should you prove troublesome I can always tend to you later."  The Atomic Smasher returned his attention to Caz.  "I assume you recall our last meeting with the Jungle Gem?"

"Mpfff," agreed Caz warily.

"I recall it quite vividly as well, and indeed, ever since, I have not been able to get you out of my mind.  I have been thinking of you night and day.  Oh, Caz, I know my rightful course of action is to turn you over to the proper authorities, but I would forget my duty if only you would agree to come away with me and be mine forever!"

"Mpfff!"  Caz furiously shook her head no!

An amused chuckle came from outside the force field.  "Ha, ha, Monsieur, while you may have many powers to make you the envy of other men, it appears you are remarkably deficient when it comes to the wooing of the fair sex, eh?"

"I'll not be made a fool of!" snarled the Atomic Smasher.  He reached once more into his utility belt, withdrawing something that looked like a large gray egg.  He hurled it to the ground with a dull thud, causing the area within the force field to fill with an ominous red haze.

"Monsieur, what have you done?"

"That is a poisonous gas I created in my lab," announced the Atomic Smasher, ignoring the man behind him who was hammering at the force field with the baseball bat once again.  "In ten minutes it will reach its full potency and bring an end to your life, my Caz."

"Mpfff!"  She wasn't his Caz!

"Unless, that is, you reconsider my offer and come away with me forever!"

"Mpfff!"  Caz vigorously shook her head no!

"Think again!  You have less than ten minutes left!  Do you imagine your boyfriend, that Irrepressible Rogue, will come to your rescue?"

"Mpfff!"  Caz vigorously shook her head yes!

"He will not!  It will take him considerably more than ten minutes to bore another hole through the floor, should he follow you in that way.  And if he comes here through the door, what can he do?  He cannot penetrate this force field, and even if he found the means to persuade this Jacques Moreau to turn off the device, why, by his own admission, he will not be able to do so!"

Caz struggled harder than ever, causing her to take in deep breaths of the red fumes, which smelled like rotting meat and made her stomach turn sour.

"You cannot escape my ropes, and even if you did, what good what it do you?" asked the Atomic Smasher.  "You would still be trapped inside the shield, breathing in my poison!  Only I can take you out!  I ask you one last time, will you be mine?!  Hardly five minutes await you!"

"MPFFF!"  An absolute denial!

"Then I leave you to your fate."  The Atomic Smasher walked out of the shield.  "And as for you, Mr. Moreau…"

"Monsieur, what are you doing?  Capturing a criminal, yes, that I can understand, but placing her in deadly peril?  That is carrying things too far, eh?'

"It saddens me deeply to destroy what is so fair," intoned the Atomic Smasher, looking sorrowfully back at Caz who was thrashing about ineffectively, "but I must harden my heart."  And with one last contemptuous look at his fellow guardian, he turned around and walked toward the room exit.

With his back turned, the Atomic Smasher did not see Caz ease her struggles.  More unfortunately for him, he also did not see the individual he knew as Security Expert Jacques Moreau raise the baseball bat and swing it down onto the back of the head of the Atomic Smasher, causing the superhero to fall unconscious to the ground.

"That is the second time you have made the mistake of turning your back on me.  And as for the shield, you have only my word that I cannot lower it whenever I choose!"

Nimble fingers ran over the controls, lowering the force field and causing the red gas to filter out, although not quickly enough.  He hurried to Caz's side and cut the knots binding her.  He placed the gold-colored handkerchief he had worn earlier that evening over Caz's mouth and helped her walk away safely.

"Caz, are you okay?"

"Yes, David, I'm fine," Caz answered, peeling away the beard and moustache from his face and rewarding him with kisses, staccato fast slowing to long and lingering.  She finally broke away from her boyfriend and retried the Gem Mini Cricket once again.

"What are you going to do about him?" she asked, as David was standing over the Atomic Smasher.

"Lots of horrible things, I wish," answered David, but the sound of approaching sirens made him realize they had to leave quickly.  "But, when he wakes up, he'll have a lot of hard questions to answer as he lives with the embarrassment of having failed once again against you, darling.  While that's not nearly enough for what he did, it will have to do until our next meeting."

And with that, the pair disappeared into the night.
After a long absence, I return to posting on deviantART. I should continue posting more regularly now, but we shall see how real life intrudes.

Two important notes need to be made here. First, while this story was written as a stand-alone story, it does make many references to an earlier one I wrote about Caz as a cat burglar. I explained some of those references, but now all of them, so, I feel it will be easier for readers to understand why some of the characters behaved the way they did if they go back and read [link] Incidentally, for the benefit of new readers, Caz is my girlfriend :iconnid311: The other characters who appear in this stories are fictitious.

Secondly, I realize that the way my ideas fit together for this story may displease some readers as being a bit too improbable. Sometimes ideas that sound good in my head appear less satisfactory once actually written down. In the end, I decided to continue with my original plot, despite that. For anyone too disappointed, the good news is that I will shortly be posting a story in my Knotty Fairytale series with Wolfy very much in the center of things. While that story is actually likely to be even more improbable than this one, I believe it will be written in a fashion that may make that seem more acceptable to all.
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LunarisRavenix's avatar
Very nice. I always find your stories fun and entertaining; you have a rather unique style of storytelling.